T-learning # Idiom
Speak Like a Native

a snake in the grass

Choose the correct definition a, b or c.

a) a traitor

Well done ! That’s the right answer.

a snake in the grass’ means someone who pretends to be your friend while secretly doing things to harm you.

French translation

traître, ami perfide, un faux-frère


Examples in context

‘Man Booker 2012 : Shortlist at a glance. Traditional publishers turned down the novel and it only made it into print following the help of supporters and friends and through the use of subscription. It was serialised on Radio 4 as a Book at Bedtime. The judges said : "It seems simple enough : a holiday villa in France, a pool, Bohemian families at play and the young intruder who comes to stay. But this is much more than a story of a snake in the grass.’

BBC News, 11 Oct. 2012


’Whisper is that this grass has many uses. BEWARE the internet. It can be the very best tool for research, or it can be a right old snake in the grass.

County Press Online, 30 Nov. 2012


Everyday usage

It’s upsetting to learn that someone you once viewed as a good colleague is in fact a snake in the grass.

b) a faithful person

Sorry, wrong answer. Please try again.

c) someone who is comfortable in all situations

Sorry, wrong answer. Please try again.

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