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Choose the correct definition a, b or c.
a) to give generously
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b) to be very honest
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c) to deceive someone
Well done ! That’s the right answer.
To pull the wool over someone’s eyes means to make someone believe something that is not true.
French translation
embobiner quelqu’un, jeter de la poudre aux yeux de quelqu’un
How NOT to translate : *tirer la laine sur les yeux de quelqu’un
Examples in context
‘David Cameron : Don’t blame migrants for coming to UK.’
’The prime minister said a cap on the number of migrants from outside the EU was part of the government’s attempt to substantially reduce levels of net migration.UKIP said leaving the EU was the only way to fully take control of the UK’s borders.
"David Cameron is once again looking to pull the wool over the eyes of the British public," its leader Nigel Farage said. He has finally acknowledged the damage that unrestricted eastern European immigration has had on the prospects of British workers, especially our youngsters.’
BBC News, 28 Oct. 2013
’Elderly ’face £150,000 care bill before hitting cap’
‘Elderly people face paying £150,000 for residential care before they hit the cap on care costs in England, an analysis by Labour suggests.
Labour itself is not proposing to cover accommodation costs, but said it was highlighting the figures because the government was not being "straight" with the public.
Shadow care minister Liz Kendall said : "Families deserve to be told the facts rather than being conned so they can properly plan for the future and not have the government attempt to pull the wool over their eyes. "’
BBC News, 14 Nov. 2013
Everyday usage
You can’t pull the wool over my eyes. I know what’s going on.
Don’t pull the wool over her eyes. She is too smart.
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