a) dishonest
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b) very honest
Well done ! That’s the right answer.
’clean as a whistle’ means extremely clean. The expression is also used to mean legal, honest and sincere.
French translation
propre comme un sou neuf, blanc comme neige
How NOT to translate : *propre comme un sifflet
Examples in context
‘Time to blow the whistle on Joe Biden
Hardly had the possibility surfaced that the GOP-controlled Senate could subpoena him as an impeachment witness, than Joe Biden told the Senate to go whistle.
Sounding like Humphrey Bogart or Edward G. Robinson in one of those old black and white gangster films Hollywood used to make, the former vice president said he was “clean as a whistle” over Ukrainian corruption.
You can just picture Bogart snarling at the cops handcuffing him, “Listen, coppers, you guys got nothing on me. I’m clean as a whistle.”
“Yeah,” Robinson would chime in, “Yeah, you coppers got the wrong guy. He’s clean as whistle”.’
Boston Herald, 11 Jan. 2020
Everyday usage
Their facility was as clean as a whistle and their technicians were very well trained.
He’s either clean as a whistle… or else he’s got something to hide.

c) biased
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