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Choose the correct definition a, b or c.
a) a powerful person
Well done ! That’s the right answer.
Tthe top dog is the most important and powerful person in a group. Informal.
French translation
chef, meilleur, exemplaire, etc. according to contexts
How NOT to translate
*un chien de dessus
Examples in context
‘Euro 2016 : Russian thugs think English are top-dog hooligans and want to remove them, say intelligence sources
High-profile English fans have been targeted by Russian gangs who want to remove them as the perceived “top dogs” of football hooliganism, intelligence sources have told the Independent, as more supporters gather in Lille ahead of Roy Hodgson’s side’s match against Wales.’
The Independent, 15 June 2016
‘Why the City of London will continue to be top dog after Brexit
he UK is the world’s leader in financial services, well ahead of Singapore and Hong Kong, with a narrow lead over New York – and absolutely wiping the floor with Europe. But judging by some of the reaction to the EU referendum result, this is suddenly at risk. The evidence, however, suggests that London will remain top dog. Here’s why :
1. Inherent advantages
The UK’s extensive network of financial and professional services will be very hard, if not impossible, to replicate elsewhere in Europe. The UK has the strongest financial services sector by reason of history, time zone, language, expertise and London’s cultural appeal. This won’t change.’
The Telegraph, 9 Sept. 2016
Everyday usage
Jackson was top dog and he made sure he got what he wanted.
John is the top dog at work, but his wife definitely is the top dog at home.
The Swiss model is also subject to the tautology of success : the better-known someone is in the art world, the more chance he has of being top dog.

b) a violent person
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c) a faithful person
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